Bocas Del Toro, Panama
Half an hour by water-taxi and four-hour bus ride through spectacular mountain cloud forest brings us to David, capital of Chiriqui province. It’s not a particularly scenic town, it rains every afternoon quite heavily, it’s hot and humid and so we continue to a cooler destination. Boquete, a mountain town on the east side of Volcan Baru, said to faintly resemble a village in the Alps, is a popular tourist destination. However, this time of a year is a low season and so we don’t see too many tourists around. We have to get up early in the morning to go for our hikes, as each afternoon clouds roll in and it starts to rain. Early in the morning we can admire volcano Baru, before it disappears in the clouds. It’s pleasantly cool and we even have a need of long sleeves in the evening! Besides hiking the most popular activity here is water rafting, but with all the rain, rivers just run too wild. I feel sad to leave this cooler, pleasant town, but I know, I’ll have some cool temperatures again (?) – on our planned visit to Canada. Back here J-P once again continues with his never ending list of maintenance... This is a friendly marina, with friendly people, dogs, cats, even birds some people keep on their sailboats. And of course, none of us yet found the perfect way to keep those irritating sand flies away… After nine months of travelling it’s nice to just relax and enjoy the place, surf the net, read books, join the Friday potlucks with the other cruisers - our stress of working days is somehow fading in memory. Nikan is striped of all her sails, cleaned and prepared for our absence from Panama (June 16 – July 29).
Half an hour by water-taxi and four-hour bus ride through spectacular mountain cloud forest brings us to David, capital of Chiriqui province. It’s not a particularly scenic town, it rains every afternoon quite heavily, it’s hot and humid and so we continue to a cooler destination. Boquete, a mountain town on the east side of Volcan Baru, said to faintly resemble a village in the Alps, is a popular tourist destination. However, this time of a year is a low season and so we don’t see too many tourists around. We have to get up early in the morning to go for our hikes, as each afternoon clouds roll in and it starts to rain. Early in the morning we can admire volcano Baru, before it disappears in the clouds. It’s pleasantly cool and we even have a need of long sleeves in the evening! Besides hiking the most popular activity here is water rafting, but with all the rain, rivers just run too wild. I feel sad to leave this cooler, pleasant town, but I know, I’ll have some cool temperatures again (?) – on our planned visit to Canada. Back here J-P once again continues with his never ending list of maintenance... This is a friendly marina, with friendly people, dogs, cats, even birds some people keep on their sailboats. And of course, none of us yet found the perfect way to keep those irritating sand flies away… After nine months of travelling it’s nice to just relax and enjoy the place, surf the net, read books, join the Friday potlucks with the other cruisers - our stress of working days is somehow fading in memory. Nikan is striped of all her sails, cleaned and prepared for our absence from Panama (June 16 – July 29).